Data 13/02/2018
Origem Belém (SBBE)
Destino Guarulhos (SBGR)
Aeronave Boeing 737-800 PR-BAR
Duração 04:02:06
Passageiros 174
Preço da passagem $ 1.489,44
Receita bruta $ 259.162,56
Preço do combustível $ 7,00 / kg
Combustível utilizado 9162.11 kg
Despesa com combustível $ 64.134,77
Demais despesas $ 86.016,10
Saldo do voo $ 109.011,69
Situação Aprovado

Dados da Caixa Preta

[20:33] Boeing B737-800 - Zibo 324t Brisa 737-800 PR-BAR
[20:33] BRI5190 SBBE/SBGR 174 PAX
[20:33] FOB 12795kg
[20:33] Parking Brake Applied
[20:33] Instrument Lights ON
[20:33] Boarding
[20:41] Navigation Lights ON
[20:42] Beacon Light ON
[20:42] Beacon Lights OFF
[20:42] Parking Brake Released
[20:44] Parking Brake Applied
[20:45] Parking Brake Released
[20:46] ENG 2 Started
[20:46] ENG 1 Started
[20:47] Beacon Light ON
[20:47] Parking Brake Applied
[20:48] Parking Brake Released
[20:49] FLAPS 1
[20:49] FLAPS 2
[20:49] FLAPS 3
[20:49] FLAPS 4
[20:49] TAXI to RWY
[20:50] Navigation Lights OFF
[20:50] Navigation Lights ON
[20:50] Strobe Lights ON
[20:50] Landing Lights ON 46ft
[20:53] TKOF 158kt HDG 55 Wind 06005KT Temp 23C
[20:53] FLAPS 3 167kt 82ft
[20:53] FLAPS 2 172kt 410ft
[20:53] Gear up 172kt 660ft AGL
[20:53] AutoPilot Engaged 1313ft
[20:54] FLAPS 1 229kt 2316ft
[20:54] FLAPS 0 229kt 2329ft
[20:57] Landing Lights OFF 9974ft
[21:17] TOC
[22:50] TOD
[00:27] FLAPS 1 220kt 12507ft
[00:27] FLAPS 2 217kt 12188ft
[00:30] Landing Lights ON 10282ft
[00:32] Spoilers ON 196kt 6424ft
[00:32] FLAPS 3 191kt 9012ft
[00:33] FLAPS 4 181kt 8698ft
[00:35] FLAPS 5 159kt 6909ft
[00:35] FLAPS 6 152kt 6775ft
[00:37] Gear down 145kt 3537ft AGL
[00:37] FLAPS 7 145kt 6509ft
[00:39] FLAPS 8 144kt 5364ft
[00:41] AutoPilot Disengaged 1942ft
[00:43] LDG Rate -631 ft/min HDG 106 Wind 18307KT Temp 13C
[00:43] Parking Brake Applied
[00:43] Parking Brake Released
[00:44] TAXI to APRON
[00:44] Landing Lights OFF 2457ft
[00:44] Navigation Lights OFF
[00:44] Strobe Lights OFF
[00:44] Navigation Lights ON
[00:45] FLAPS 6
[00:45] FLAPS 5
[00:45] FLAPS 4
[00:45] FLAPS 3
[00:45] FLAPS 2
[00:45] FLAPS 1
[00:45] FLAPS 0
[00:46] Navigation Lights OFF
[00:49] Parking Brake Applied
[00:49] ENG 1 Stopped
[00:49] ENG 2 Stopped
[00:49] Beacon Lights OFF
[00:49] Navigation Lights ON
[00:49] Strobe Lights ON
[00:49] Navigation Lights OFF
[00:49] Strobe Lights OFF
[00:50] Boeing B737-800 - Zibo 324t Brisa 737-800 PR-BAR
[00:50] Remaining FOB 3633kg
[00:50] Sim Rate 1x
[00:50] Brisa ACARS

Rota executada