Data 18/11/2019
Origem Guarulhos (SBGR)
Destino Recife (SBRF)
Aeronave Boeing 737-800 PR-BAW
Duração 03:09:11
Passageiros 158
Preço da passagem $ 1.236,64
Receita bruta $ 195.389,12
Preço do combustível $ 7,00 / kg
Combustível utilizado 7814.94 kg
Despesa com combustível $ 54.704,58
Demais despesas $ 64.849,60
Saldo do voo $ 75.834,94
Situação Aprovado

Dados da Caixa Preta

[07:42] Brisa B738 PR-BAW
[07:42] BRI5236 SBGR/SBRF 158 PAX
[07:42] FOB 15000kg
[07:42] Parking Brake Applied
[07:42] Navigation Lights ON
[07:42] Strobe Lights ON
[07:42] Logo Lights ON
[07:42] Boarding
[07:44] Beacon Light ON
[07:44] Parking Brake Released
[07:45] Logo Lights OFF
[07:45] Pushing Back
[07:46] ENG 2 Started
[07:46] Parking Brake Applied
[07:47] ENG 1 Started
[07:47] Taxi Lights ON
[07:48] FLAPS 1
[07:48] FLAPS 2
[07:48] FLAPS 3
[07:48] FLAPS 4
[07:48] Parking Brake Released
[07:50] TAXI to RWY
[07:53] Landing Lights ON 2464ft
[07:53] Navigation Lights OFF
[07:53] Navigation Lights ON
[07:53] Taxi Lights OFF
[07:55] TKOF 156kt HDG 99 Wind 12206KT Temp 17C
[07:55] Gear up 170kt 430ft AGL
[07:56] FLAPS 3 177kt 4098ft
[07:57] FLAPS 2 186kt 6145ft
[07:57] FLAPS 1 188kt 6152ft
[07:57] FLAPS 2 190kt 6145ft
[07:57] FLAPS 1 192kt 6112ft
[07:58] FLAPS 0 214kt 7133ft
[07:59] Logo Lights ON
[08:02] Landing Lights OFF 10558ft
[08:02] Logo Lights OFF
[08:23] TOC
[10:13] TOD
[10:25] Spoilers ON 282kt 10939ft
[10:27] Landing Lights ON 10348ft
[10:27] Logo Lights ON
[10:27] Spoilers OFF 233kt 9632ft
[10:32] Spoilers ON 250kt 5639ft
[10:33] Spoilers OFF 241kt 3534ft
[10:34] FLAPS 1 186kt 3192ft
[10:35] FLAPS 2 190kt 2575ft
[10:35] FLAPS 3 190kt 2448ft
[10:37] FLAPS 4 176kt 1978ft
[10:39] Gear down 171kt 1798ft AGL
[10:42] FLAPS 5 160kt 1673ft
[10:42] FLAPS 6 154kt 1240ft
[10:43] FLAPS 7 145kt 994ft
[10:43] FLAPS 8 143kt 935ft
[10:44] LDG Rate -507 ft/min HDG 184 Wind 22110KT Temp 29C
[10:44] Spoilers ON 130kt 6ft
[10:44] Spoilers OFF 129kt 6ft
[10:44] Spoilers ON 129kt 6ft
[10:44] TAXI to APRON
[10:46] Taxi Lights ON
[10:46] Landing Lights OFF 39ft
[10:46] Navigation Lights OFF
[10:46] Spoilers OFF 9kt 6ft
[10:46] FLAPS 7
[10:46] FLAPS 6
[10:47] FLAPS 5
[10:47] FLAPS 4
[10:47] FLAPS 3
[10:47] FLAPS 2
[10:47] FLAPS 1
[10:47] FLAPS 0
[10:56] Parking Brake Applied
[10:56] Taxi Lights OFF
[10:56] ENG 1 Stopped
[10:56] ENG 2 Stopped
[10:56] Beacon Lights OFF
[10:57] Logo Lights OFF
[10:58] Brisa B738 PR-BAW
[10:58] Remaining FOB 7185kg
[10:58] Sim Rate 1x
[10:58] Brisa ACARS

Flight Operations Quality Assurance — FOQA

Índice FOQA Recomendação Percentual Online
91% APROVAÇÃO 100%

Falha(s) Referente(s) a Código de Conduta

Velocidade vertical durante o pouso excedeu a -500 ft/min.

Rota executada