Data 03/07/2018
Origem Curitiba (SBCT)
Destino Guarulhos (SBGR)
Aeronave Boeing 737-800 PR-BAB
Duração 00:56:17
Passageiros 167
Preço da passagem $ 297,66
Receita bruta $ 49.709,89
Preço do combustível $ 6,00 / kg
Combustível utilizado 2443.5 kg
Despesa com combustível $ 14.661,00
Demais despesas $ 16.498,70
Saldo do voo $ 18.550,19
Situação Aprovado

Dados da Caixa Preta

[01:30] Boeing B737-800X_3_27p Brisa 737-800 PR-BAA
[01:30] BRI5014 SBCT/SBGR 167 PAX
[01:30] FOB 5787kg
[01:30] Parking Brake Applied
[01:30] Navigation Lights ON
[01:30] Instrument Lights ON
[01:30] Boarding
[01:33] Stall! 0kt 0ft
[01:33] Stall Recovered! 0kt 0ft
[01:33] Stall! 0kt 0ft
[01:33] Stall Recovered! 0kt 0ft
[01:34] Beacon Light ON
[01:35] Parking Brake Released
[01:35] Parking Brake Applied
[01:35] Parking Brake Released
[01:35] Parking Brake Applied
[01:35] Parking Brake Released
[01:36] ENG 2 Started
[01:36] ENG 1 Started
[01:37] Parking Brake Applied
[01:39] Parking Brake Released
[01:41] TAXI to RWY
[01:41] Parking Brake Applied
[01:41] Landing Lights ON 2992ft
[01:41] Navigation Lights OFF
[01:41] Navigation Lights ON
[01:41] Strobe Lights ON
[01:42] Parking Brake Released
[01:42] Parking Brake Applied
[01:42] Parking Brake Released
[01:42] Parking Brake Applied
[01:42] Parking Brake Released
[01:42] Parking Brake Applied
[01:42] Parking Brake Released
[01:43] Parking Brake Applied
[01:43] Parking Brake Released
[01:43] Parking Brake Applied
[01:43] FLAPS 1
[01:43] FLAPS 2
[01:43] FLAPS 3
[01:43] FLAPS 4
[01:44] Parking Brake Released
[01:45] TKOF 173kt HDG 345 Wind 00207KT Temp 9C
[01:45] FLAPS 3 183kt 3717ft
[01:45] Gear up 183kt 1095ft AGL
[01:45] AutoPilot Engaged 1752ft
[01:45] FLAPS 2 218kt 4747ft
[01:45] FLAPS 1 221kt 4810ft
[01:46] FLAPS 0 231kt 6158ft
[01:47] Landing Lights OFF 10535ft
[01:56] TOC
[02:11] TOD
[02:24] FLAPS 1 241kt 8488ft
[02:25] FLAPS 2 229kt 7687ft
[02:25] FLAPS 3 219kt 7280ft
[02:25] Gear down 216kt 4078ft AGL
[02:26] Landing Lights ON 6490ft
[02:26] FLAPS 4 203kt 5282ft
[02:27] FLAPS 5 173kt 4203ft
[02:27] FLAPS 6 167kt 4252ft
[02:28] FLAPS 8 158kt 4239ft
[02:29] AutoPilot Disengaged 866ft
[02:30] LDG Rate -667 ft/min HDG 94 Wind 31606KT Temp 11C
[02:30] Parking Brake Applied
[02:31] Parking Brake Released
[02:31] Parking Brake Applied
[02:31] TAXI to APRON
[02:31] Parking Brake Released
[02:32] Landing Lights OFF 2464ft
[02:32] Navigation Lights OFF
[02:32] Strobe Lights OFF
[02:32] Navigation Lights ON
[02:33] FLAPS 7
[02:33] FLAPS 6
[02:33] FLAPS 5
[02:33] FLAPS 4
[02:33] FLAPS 2
[02:33] FLAPS 1
[02:33] FLAPS 0
[02:35] Parking Brake Applied
[02:35] Parking Brake Released
[02:35] Parking Brake Applied
[02:35] Parking Brake Released
[02:36] Parking Brake Applied
[02:36] Parking Brake Released
[02:36] TAXI to APRON
[02:36] Parking Brake Applied
[02:36] Parking Brake Released
[02:36] TAXI to APRON
[02:36] Parking Brake Applied
[02:36] Parking Brake Released
[02:36] TAXI to APRON
[02:36] Parking Brake Applied
[02:36] Parking Brake Released
[02:36] TAXI to APRON
[02:37] Parking Brake Applied
[02:37] ENG 1 Stopped
[02:37] ENG 2 Stopped
[02:37] Beacon Lights OFF
[02:39] Boeing B737-800X_3_27p Brisa 737-800 PR-BAA
[02:39] Remaining FOB 3343kg
[02:39] Sim Rate 1x
[02:39] Brisa ACARS

Rota executada