Data 20/09/2018
Origem Salvador (SBSV)
Destino Guarulhos (SBGR)
Aeronave Boeing 737-800 PR-BAG
Duração 02:34:24
Passageiros 172
Preço da passagem $ 932,85
Receita bruta $ 160.449,68
Preço do combustível $ 6,00 / kg
Combustível utilizado 5884.45 kg
Despesa com combustível $ 35.306,70
Demais despesas $ 53.253,20
Saldo do voo $ 71.889,78
Situação Aprovado

Dados da Caixa Preta

[17:03] B737-800X 3_29 Brisa 737-800 PR-BAG
[17:03] BRI5075 SBSV/SBGR 172 PAX
[17:03] FOB 9285kg
[17:03] Parking Brake Applied
[17:03] Navigation Lights ON
[17:03] Boarding
[17:03] Parking Brake Released
[17:04] ENG 2 Started
[17:05] ENG 1 Started
[17:05] Parking Brake Applied
[17:05] FLAPS 1
[17:05] Beacon Light ON
[17:06] Parking Brake Released
[17:07] TAXI to RWY
[17:07] Parking Brake Applied
[17:07] Parking Brake Released
[17:07] Parking Brake Applied
[17:07] Parking Brake Released
[17:07] Parking Brake Applied
[17:07] Parking Brake Released
[17:07] Parking Brake Applied
[17:07] Parking Brake Released
[17:08] Landing Lights ON 43ft
[17:08] Navigation Lights OFF
[17:08] Navigation Lights ON
[17:08] Strobe Lights ON
[17:08] Parking Brake Applied
[17:08] Parking Brake Released
[17:09] TKOF 163kt HDG 74 Wind 09910KT Temp 26C
[17:09] Gear up 182kt 689ft AGL
[17:10] AutoPilot Engaged 2494ft
[17:10] FLAPS 0 192kt 2782ft
[17:14] Landing Lights OFF 11617ft
[17:20] Instrument Lights ON
[17:27] TOC
[19:04] TOD
[19:20] Landing Lights ON 11214ft
[19:25] Spoilers ON 236kt 3777ft
[19:25] FLAPS 1 213kt 6407ft
[19:26] Spoilers OFF 205kt 2743ft
[19:27] FLAPS 2 213kt 5951ft
[19:27] FLAPS 3 213kt 5948ft
[19:27] Spoilers ON 209kt 3379ft
[19:28] FLAPS 4 176kt 4590ft
[19:28] FLAPS 5 176kt 4583ft
[19:28] Gear down 175kt 2005ft AGL
[19:29] FLAPS 6 160kt 3993ft
[19:29] FLAPS 7 142kt 3570ft
[19:30] FLAPS 8 140kt 3379ft
[19:30] AutoPilot Disengaged 502ft
[19:31] LDG Rate -169 ft/min HDG 108 Wind 17102KT Temp 17C
[19:31] Parking Brake Applied
[19:31] TAXI to APRON
[19:31] Parking Brake Released
[19:32] Parking Brake Applied
[19:32] Parking Brake Released
[19:32] Parking Brake Applied
[19:32] Parking Brake Released
[19:32] Parking Brake Applied
[19:32] Parking Brake Released
[19:32] Landing Lights OFF 2457ft
[19:32] Navigation Lights OFF
[19:32] Strobe Lights OFF
[19:32] Navigation Lights ON
[19:32] Spoilers OFF 0kt 0ft
[19:33] FLAPS 6
[19:33] FLAPS 4
[19:33] FLAPS 3
[19:33] FLAPS 2
[19:33] FLAPS 1
[19:33] FLAPS 0
[19:33] Parking Brake Applied
[19:34] Parking Brake Released
[19:34] Parking Brake Applied
[19:34] Parking Brake Released
[19:35] Parking Brake Applied
[19:35] Parking Brake Released
[19:36] Parking Brake Applied
[19:36] Parking Brake Released
[19:36] Parking Brake Applied
[19:36] Parking Brake Released
[19:37] Parking Brake Applied
[19:37] Parking Brake Released
[19:37] Parking Brake Applied
[19:37] Parking Brake Released
[19:38] Parking Brake Applied
[19:38] Parking Brake Released
[19:38] Parking Brake Applied
[19:38] Parking Brake Released
[19:39] Parking Brake Applied
[19:39] Parking Brake Released
[19:40] Parking Brake Applied
[19:40] Parking Brake Released
[19:40] Parking Brake Applied
[19:40] Parking Brake Released
[19:40] Parking Brake Applied
[19:40] Parking Brake Released
[19:40] Parking Brake Applied
[19:40] Parking Brake Released
[19:40] Parking Brake Applied
[19:40] Parking Brake Released
[19:40] Parking Brake Applied
[19:40] ENG 2 Stopped
[19:40] Beacon Lights OFF
[19:40] ENG 1 Stopped
[19:43] B737-800X 3_29 Brisa 737-800 PR-BAG
[19:43] Remaining FOB 3401kg
[19:43] Sim Rate 1x
[19:43] Brisa ACARS

Rota executada