Data 17/05/2019
Origem (ENAT)
Destino Estocolmo (ESSA)
Aeronave Airbus A319 PR-BGI
Duração 01:50:01
Passageiros 100
Preço da passagem $ 848,51
Receita bruta $ 84.851,00
Preço do combustível $ 7,00 / kg
Combustível utilizado 3834.67 kg
Despesa com combustível $ 26.842,69
Demais despesas $ 28.162,00
Saldo do voo $ 29.846,31
Situação Aprovado

Dados da Caixa Preta

[15:08] ToLiss319_V1p1 [IAES] Airbus A319-132 Brisa PR-BGI
[15:08] BRI8350 ENAT/ESSA 100 PAX
[15:08] FOB 6994kg
[15:08] Parking Brake Applied
[15:08] Navigation Lights ON
[15:08] Boarding
[15:10] Beacon Light ON
[15:14] Parking Brake Released
[15:14] ENG 2 Started
[15:15] ENG 1 Started
[15:16] Beacon Lights OFF
[15:16] Beacon Light ON
[15:16] Parking Brake Applied
[15:17] Taxi Lights ON
[15:17] FLAPS 2
[15:18] Parking Brake Released
[15:18] TAXI to RWY
[15:19] Parking Brake Applied
[15:19] Parking Brake Released
[15:19] Parking Brake Applied
[15:19] Parking Brake Released
[15:19] Strobe Lights ON
[15:19] Landing Lights ON 7ft
[15:19] Parking Brake Applied
[15:19] Parking Brake Released
[15:19] Parking Brake Applied
[15:19] Parking Brake Released
[15:19] Parking Brake Applied
[15:20] Parking Brake Released
[15:20] Parking Brake Applied
[15:20] Parking Brake Released
[15:20] Parking Brake Applied
[15:20] Parking Brake Released
[15:21] TKOF 153kt HDG 92 Wind 02706KT Temp 5C
[15:21] Taxi Lights OFF
[15:21] Gear up 160kt 397ft AGL
[15:22] FLAPS 0 174kt 2192ft
[15:26] Landing Lights OFF 14475ft
[15:42] TOC
[16:16] Instrument Lights ON
[16:37] TOD
[16:41] Navigation Lights OFF
[16:51] Landing Lights ON 11129ft
[16:51] Navigation Lights ON
[16:58] FLAPS 2 200kt 3540ft
[16:58] Spoilers ON 200kt 3101ft
[16:59] FLAPS 4 194kt 2497ft
[16:59] Gear down 192kt 2326ft AGL
[16:59] Taxi Lights ON
[17:00] FLAPS 6 161kt 2064ft
[17:00] FLAPS 8 150kt 1824ft
[17:02] LDG Rate -242 ft/min HDG 6 Wind 04308KT Temp 12C
[17:02] Parking Brake Applied
[17:03] Parking Brake Released
[17:03] Parking Brake Applied
[17:03] Parking Brake Released
[17:03] Parking Brake Applied
[17:03] Parking Brake Released
[17:03] Parking Brake Applied
[17:03] Parking Brake Released
[17:03] Parking Brake Applied
[17:03] Parking Brake Released
[17:03] Parking Brake Applied
[17:03] TAXI to APRON
[17:03] Parking Brake Released
[17:03] Parking Brake Applied
[17:03] Parking Brake Released
[17:04] Spoilers OFF 18kt 0ft
[17:04] FLAPS 6
[17:04] FLAPS 4
[17:04] Parking Brake Applied
[17:04] FLAPS 2
[17:04] Parking Brake Released
[17:04] FLAPS 0
[17:04] Landing Lights OFF 144ft
[17:04] Strobe Lights OFF
[17:04] Parking Brake Applied
[17:04] Parking Brake Released
[17:04] Parking Brake Applied
[17:05] Parking Brake Released
[17:05] Parking Brake Applied
[17:05] Parking Brake Released
[17:05] Parking Brake Applied
[17:05] Parking Brake Released
[17:05] Parking Brake Applied
[17:05] Parking Brake Released
[17:05] Parking Brake Applied
[17:05] Parking Brake Released
[17:05] TAXI to APRON
[17:05] Parking Brake Applied
[17:05] Parking Brake Released
[17:05] Parking Brake Applied
[17:05] Parking Brake Released
[17:05] TAXI to APRON
[17:05] Parking Brake Applied
[17:05] Parking Brake Released
[17:06] Parking Brake Applied
[17:06] Parking Brake Released
[17:06] Parking Brake Applied
[17:06] Parking Brake Released
[17:06] Parking Brake Applied
[17:06] Taxi Lights OFF
[17:06] ENG 2 Stopped
[17:06] ENG 1 Stopped
[17:06] Beacon Lights OFF
[17:06] Beacon Light ON
[17:08] ToLiss319_V1p1 [IAES] Airbus A319-132 Brisa PR-BGI
[17:08] Remaining FOB 3160kg
[17:08] Sim Rate 1x
[17:08] Brisa ACARS

Flight Operations Quality Assurance — FOQA

Índice FOQA Recomendação Percentual Online
100% APROVAÇÃO 100%

Rota executada