Data 30/08/2019
Origem Santo Ângelo (SBNM)
Destino Porto Alegre (SBPA)
Aeronave Dash 8 - Q400 PR-BQB
Duração 01:01:25
Passageiros 71
Preço da passagem $ 345,41
Receita bruta $ 24.523,90
Preço do combustível $ 7,00 / kg
Combustível utilizado 1008.79 kg
Despesa com combustível $ 7.061,53
Demais despesas $ 8.139,48
Saldo do voo $ 9.322,89
Situação Aprovado

Dados da Caixa Preta

[19:28] Brisa DH8D PR-BQB
[19:28] BRI5350 SBNM/SBPA 71 PAX
[19:28] FOB 3092kg
[19:28] Parking Brake Applied
[19:28] Navigation Lights ON
[19:28] Instrument Lights ON
[19:28] Logo Lights ON
[19:28] Cabin Lights ON
[19:28] Boarding
[19:34] Instrument Lights OFF
[19:34] Cabin Lights OFF
[19:34] Instrument Lights ON
[19:35] Parking Brake Released
[19:35] Parking Brake Applied
[19:35] Logo Lights OFF
[19:36] Logo Lights ON
[19:37] Taxi Lights ON
[19:37] Parking Brake Released
[19:37] FLAPS 1
[19:37] FLAPS 2
[19:38] Parking Brake Applied
[19:40] Landing Lights ON 1063ft
[19:42] Parking Brake Released
[19:42] TAXI to RWY
[19:43] Instrument Lights OFF
[19:43] Instrument Lights ON
[19:44] Instrument Lights OFF
[19:44] Instrument Lights ON
[19:45] Parking Brake Applied
[19:45] Parking Brake Released
[19:46] TKOF 136kt HDG 298 Wind 32005KT Temp 27C
[19:46] Instrument Lights OFF
[19:46] Instrument Lights ON
[19:46] Instrument Lights OFF
[19:46] Instrument Lights ON
[19:46] FLAPS 1 154kt 1778ft
[19:46] Instrument Lights OFF
[19:46] Instrument Lights ON
[19:47] Instrument Lights OFF
[19:47] Instrument Lights ON
[19:47] AutoPilot Engaged 2903ft
[19:47] FLAPS 0 159kt 4160ft
[19:48] Taxi Lights OFF
[19:49] Instrument Lights OFF
[19:49] Instrument Lights ON
[19:51] Landing Lights OFF 10049ft
[20:00] TOC
[20:20] TOD
[20:25] Landing Lights ON 10154ft
[20:31] FLAPS 1 196kt 2969ft
[20:31] Taxi Lights ON
[20:31] FLAPS 2 174kt 2621ft
[20:32] AutoPilot Disengaged 1644ft
[20:33] FLAPS 3 138kt 1263ft
[20:35] LDG Rate -131 ft/min HDG 110 Wind 17011KT Temp 19C
[20:35] TAXI to APRON
[20:36] Landing Lights OFF 16ft
[20:41] FLAPS 0
[20:41] Taxi Lights OFF
[20:42] Parking Brake Applied
[20:42] Parking Brake Released
[20:42] TAXI to APRON
[20:42] Parking Brake Applied
[20:42] Instrument Lights OFF
[20:42] Cabin Lights ON
[20:42] Instrument Lights ON
[20:43] Cabin Lights OFF
[20:43] Cabin Lights ON
[20:44] Brisa DH8D PR-BQB
[20:44] Remaining FOB 2083kg
[20:44] Sim Rate 1x
[20:44] Brisa ACARS

Flight Operations Quality Assurance — FOQA

Índice FOQA Recomendação Percentual Online
100% APROVAÇÃO 100%


Nome Mensagem
Marcelo Sarturi BUG ON/OFF noInstruments lights do Dash Majestick no ACARS

Rota executada